
Our Objective

Our Conference advocates on several pressing social justice issues such as homelessness and poverty.


Key Values

We have identified seven key values to which we are aligned and they include commitment, compassion, respect, integrity, empathy, advocacy and courage.  We are proud of the key values for which we stand and invite you to find out more about how you can get involved.

News Alert

Our Conference was featured in ABC Channel 10.  Click on the link below for more details:

ABC Channel 10: Homeless Families Seeking Resources

On-Site Paper Shredding & E-Waste Recycling  Event 

Paper Shredding & E-Waste

Recycling Event (link to flyer above in blue)

Saturday, April 26 from 8:30 AM – 12:30PM

Holy Spirit Parish Parking Lot

3159 Land Park Drive Sacramento

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Holy Spirit Conference is hosting an onsite Paper Shredding and E-Waste Recycling Event, all proceeds to help the needy in our community.

Pricing: Shredding and E-Waste Collection

$15.00 per bag/box/electronic item

Acceptable E-Waste:

Electronic Waste with a Screen

 CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Monitors, Televisions

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Monitors & Televisions

  • LED (Light Emitting Diode) Monitors & Televisions
  •  Plasma Televisions
  •   Projection Televisions
  • Laptop PCs/Tablet PCs
  • DVD Players with 4’ Screen or Larger
  •  SmartScreen
  • Computers, Servers & Components
  •   Desktop PCs
  •  Servers
  •  Network Equipment
  •  Main Frame Computers
  •  Telecom Equipment
  •   Circuit Boards
  •  Hard Drives
  •   PDA/Cellular Phones
  •  Power Supply Units

Office Products

  •  Printers (Remove paper, toner & ink cartridges)
  •  Copiers (Remove paper, toner & ink cartridges)
  •  Fax Machines (Remove paper, toner & ink cartridges)
  • Multi-Function Devices (Remove paper, toner & ink cartridges)
  •  Scanners

Consumer Electronics


 CD Players



 Cell Phones & PDAs (batteries CAN stay in)

Digital Cameras

Stereo Equipment

Electronic Cables

 Video Game Consoles

 Small Kitchen Appliances such as mixers, toasters, and microwaves (with plate removed)

Car Stereos

 Computer Peripherals

**Batteries MUST be removed from all electronics except cell phones. SRCC has the right not to take batteries at the end of the event**

Confidential On-Site Paper Shredding & E-Wate& Recycling Event

E-Waste Not Accepted Large appliances, Box/CRT TV’s + older boxy, 80’s/90’s Computer monitors with cracked screen or any hazardous waste

Please note, you may experience long lines. And, if requested, we will provide a receipt and allow you to watch as your confidential papers are shredded.  Please make checks out to Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Holy Spirit. 

For more information, please call us at 916-397-7264 or email us at [email protected]  Thank you for your support!!